Veznici (Conjuctions)

     Conjunctions are used to connect phrases, clauses, and sentences(povezuju fraze,rečenice).
        You can have ice cream or strawberries.
        He plays football and soccer.
        The weather was cold but clear.

      Podeljeni su u 3 grupe:
1) coordinating conjunctions 
2) correlative conjunctions
3) subordinating conjunctions
      1) Coordinating conjunctions 
      - Čiji je zadatak da spoji dve ili više delova iste važnosti kao što su reči, clause ili rečenice:  
      - Primeri: oni mogu da spajaju
            - prefikse  He collects pre- and post-war cameras.
            - reči  There are two or three houses nearby; I bought a computer and a keyboard.
            - fraze  The wind was really cold and absolutely biting.
            - klauze You can join now or you may prefer to wait.
        - Ovakvi veznici su.: and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet
        - Da bi lakše zapamtili koristite reč: “FANBOYS”:
            F – for
            A – and
            N – nor
            B – but
            O – or
            Y – yet
            S  - so

      AND  is used:
      -  da pokaže ideju hronološki povezanu sa drugom:
Example: Ann sent in her applications and waited for a response.
      -  da pokaže da je jedna akcija rezultat druge:
Example: Willie heard the weather report and promptly boarded up his house.
      -  da pokaže da je jedna ideja contrast druge:
Example: Joann is brilliant and Sarah has a pleasant personality.
      - da pokaže element iznenadjenja:
            Example: Hartford is a rich city and suffers from many symptoms of urban light.
      - da pokaže da je klauza zavisna u odnosu na drugu:
            Example: Use your credit cards frequently and you'll soon find yourself deep in debt.
      -   komentar na prvu klauzu:
Example: Charlie became addicted to gambling — and that surprised no one who knew him.
      BUT is used:
      - neočekivani kontrast u odnosu na prvu rečenicu:
Example: Joey lost a fortune in the stock market, but he still seems able to live quite comfortably.
       - potvrdni način prvobitne rečenice u negativnom obliku:
            Example: Frogs can hop, but they can’t fly.
       - da poveže dve ideje sa izuzetkom od:
            Example: Everybody but Goldenbreath is trying out for the team.
       OR is used:
        -   samo jedna mogućnost ostale se isključuju:
            Example: You can study hard for this exam or you can fail.
        -   kombinaciju alternativa:
            Example: We can fry chicken on the grill tonight, or we can just eat leftovers.
        -   ispravku prve rečenice:
            Example: There are no rattlesnakes in this canyon, or so our guide tells us.
         - negativan uslov:
            Example: His motto is the rather grim "Live free or die."
         - negativnu alternative bez upotrebe imperativa:
Example: They must approve his political style or they wouldn't keep electing him mayor.
      For za razlog.
              Example: "He is gambling with his health, for he has been smoking far too long.“
      Nor negativnu ideju.
              Example: "They do not gamble nor do they smoke.“
      Yet contrast ili izuzetak.
              Example: "They smoke, yet they don't drink.“
       So posledice .
Example: "He gambled well last night so he smoked a cigar to celebrate."

      2) Correlative conjunctions
      - veznici koji deluju u paru da povezuju reči i gruše reči u jednake delove rečenice. Sastoje se iz dva dela i idu u paru.
      -  Najčešće su:
            as … as …
            both … and ...
            either … or …
            neither ... nor …
            not only … but also …
            not … but …
            whether … or …
  You either do your work or prepare for a trip to the office.
  Not only is he handsome, but he is also brilliant.
  Neither the basketball team nor the football team is doing well.
  Both the cross country team and the swimming team are doing well.
  Whether you stay or you go, it's your decision.
      3) Subordinating conjunction
      - Nalazi se na početku nezavisne klauze, i pokazuje odnos izmedju njih dve, povezuje dve jedinice nejednakog statusa.
            - After she had learned to drive, Alice felt more independent.
            - I wonder if it will ever change.
            - She left because she didn’t like living in a big city.
            - He took to the stage as though he had been preparing for this moment all his life.

            - Unless we act now, all is lost.

Conjunctions are used to connect phrases, clauses, and sentences(povezuju fraze,rečenice).
– You can have ice cream or strawberries.
He plays football and soccer.
The weather was cold but clear.
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