Prepositions are usually used in front of nouns or pronouns and they show the relationship between the noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence (obično se koriste ispred imenice ili zamenice i pokazuju nam odnos među njima, kao i među nekim drugim rečima u rečenici.)
– Her bag was under the chair.
– They arrived on Sunday.
Predlozi se mogu podeliti na:
– Her bag was under the chair.
– They arrived on Sunday.
Predlozi se mogu podeliti na:
a) simple
b) complex (složene)
c) coalescent (dobijene od
d) words having the form of
participles (u obliku participa)
Prosti predlozi
Sastoje se od jedne reči a najčešći su: at, by, down, for, from, in,
like, of, off, on, over, through, till, to, up, with, etc.
He spoke to me.
I received the flower from him.
He went out through the
He looked so funny with a
hat on his head.
Složeni predlozi
Grupa reči koja čini jednu celinu.
Najčešći su: according to,
ahead of, alongside
of, along with, apart
from, because of,
contrary to, due to, instead of, in spite of, in
front of, except for, instead
of, prior to,
regardless of.
The teacher stood in front of the classroom.
Koalescentni predlozi
proste forme su se razvile od složenih formi predloga.
Na primer:
with + in → within,
by + side → beside
ove predloge spadaju: abroad,
about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, around, before,
behind, beneath, beside(s), between, beyound, despite, except,
inside, into, onto, outside, since, throughout, toward(s), under, underneath, until, upon, within, without,
Reči u obliku participa
To su reči kao: concerning, regarding
Na primer:
They said nothing concerning us.
What did he say regarding my proposal?
Semantička kvalifikacija
Predlozi mogu biti
upotrebljeni da iskažu široku semantičku relaciju izmedju njihovih komplemenata
i ostatka konteksta rečenice.
Sledeća lista nije iscrpljujuća
- spatial relations
(prostorna relacija),
- location (lokacija),
- direction (pravac),
- temporal relations
(vremenska relacija),
- comparison (poredjenje),
- content (sastav),
- agent (razlog),
- instrument (instrument),
- means (značenje),
- manner (način),
- cause (uzrok),
- purpose (razlog),
- reference (napomena).
Jedna od glavnih
funkcija predloga jeste da prave frazu sa imenicom ili zamenicom koju prate.
Ta fraza se obično koristi na dva načina:
1) kao
adverbijalna (adverbial)
I looked through
the window. (pravac)
He worked on
the farm during the holidays. (mesto+ vreme)
He spoke in
a loud voice. (način)
- Predloške fraze pomažu da se pokaže
mesto, vreme, način, razlog, rezultat, uslov itd.
pridevska, bliže
odredjujući imenicu. Može biti korištena:
a) predicatski
The country is at war.
The lecture was beyond me.
b) attributski
A girl with red hair was serving lunch.
He is a person of great talent.
Predlozi za vreme: on,
in, at, since, for, ago, before, to, pass, until
Predlozi za mesto: in, at, on, next to, under, below,
over, above, across, through, into, to, towards
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