Prilozi (Adverbs)

     An adverb is a word that’s used to give information about a verb, adjective, or other adverb, prilozi nas informišu o glagolu, pridevu ili drugom prilogu.
     – He walked slowly.(glagol)
     – These schemes are very clever.(pridev)
     – The answer to both questions is really rather simple.(drugi prilog)

     Prilozi su vrsta reči koje najčešće bliže odredjuju glagol ili glagolsku frazu. Oni daju informaciju o načinu, mestu, vremenu, učestalosti, ili drugim okolnostima aktivnosti koja se pokazuje glagolom ili glagolskom frazom.
     Funkcija priloga je da:
a)      bliže odredjuju glagol:
He ran quckly.
I went to the dentist yesterday.
Come here.
The soccer team played badly last Saturday.
b)      bliže odredjuju pridev:
His work is very good.
This work isn’t good enough.
It was extremely bad match.
The boldly spoken words
You are quite right.
c)      bliže odredjuju drugi prilog:
He plays extremely well.
We urged him to dial the number more expeditiously.
She spoke quite loudly.
The socker team played extremely badly last week.
d)     bliže odredjuju imenicu:
The very thing I wanted …
The above sentence…
In after years …
The up train …
The under secretary of the then prime Minister…
e)      bliže odredjuju zamenicu:
Is that car really yours?
f)       bliže odredjuju predlošku frazu:
I am almost through my work.
They live nearly on the top of the hill.
His remarks were not quite to the point.
g)      bliže odredjuju celu rečenicu:
Fortunately, I remembered in time who we was.
Indeed, I won’t do it.
Unfortunately, the bank closed at three.
    - adjective + -ly
quick + -ly =quickly
slow + -ly = slowly
sudden + -ly = suddenly
dangerous + -ly = dangerously
gradual + -ly = gradually
     - ako se pridev završava na -le, to se gubi.
            terrible  + -ly = terribly
            horrible + -ly = horribly
            sensible + -ly = sensibly
     - ako se pridev završava na -e, onda se doda -ly.
            safe  + -ly = safely
            nice + -ly = nicely
     - posle -ll samo se doda –y.
            full + -ly = fully
     - Nepravilni oblici priloga:
good – well
fast – fast
hard – hard
     Nisu sve reči koje se završavaju na -ly are prilozi.
     Pridevi koji se završavaju na -lyfriendly, silly, lonely, ugly, costly, deadly, kindly, likely, lively, manly, and timely
     Ne postoji prilog od prideva koji se završava na -ly.
     Imenice koje se završavaju na -ly: ally, bully, Italy, melancholy
     Glagoli na -ly: apply, rely, supply
1. Mnogi prilozi su comparativni → poredjeni sa very ili extremely:  
softly   -  very softly
suddenly very suddenly
slowlyextremely slowly
2. Neki preuzimaju normalne komparativne i superlativne forme, with -er and -est:
            John works hard. 
            Mary works harder.
            I work hardest. 
     Najčešće koristimo more i most, less i least da poredimo prideve:
With sneakers on, she could move more quickly among the patients.
The flowers were the most beautifully arranged creations I've ever seen.
That was the least skillfully done performance I've seen in years.
Pridevi           komparativ              superlativ
recently          more recently           most recently
effectively      more effectively       most effectively
frequently     more frequently        most frequently
confidently   less confidently        least confidently

      Klasifikacija po značenju
1. prilog za način
2. prilog za vreme
3. prilog za učestalost
4. prilog za mesto
5. prilog za poredjenje
6. prilog za slaganje
7. prilog za količinu i broj
8. prilog za vezivanje
9. prilog za negacije

      1. Adverbs of manner
     - opisuje kako se nešto desilo (HOW?)
            The little boy behaved badly.
            He did the job perfectly.
            She quickly made the mourning meal.
            Automatically she backed away.
     - Najčešći su: carefully, correctly, eagerly, easily, fast, loudly, patiently, quickly, quietly, well, etc.

      2. Adverbs of time
     - opisuje kada se nešto desilo (WHEN?)
            I will do the work tomorrow.
            What’s going to happen next?
            Recently deserted by her husband she found it hard to make ends meet.
     - Najčešći su: after, already, during, finally, just, last, later, next, now, recently, soon, then, tomorrow, while, yesterday, etc.

     3. Adverbs of frequency
     - opisuje koliko često se nešto desilo (HOW OFTEN?)
            He always does his work well.
            He has never done that before.
            He is sometimes right.
            He has never been to England
     - Najčešći su: always, every, never, often, rarely, seldom, sometimes, usually, etc.

      4. Adverbs of place
     - gde se nešto desilo (WHERE?)
            I will stand here.
            The bird flew out.
            He loves is there.
            It hopped backward.
     - Najčešći su:  abroad, anywhere, downstairs, here, home, in, nowhere, out, outside, somewhere, there, underground, upstairs, etc.

      5. Adverbs of degree
     - poredjenje jačine prideva ili nekog drugog prideva
     - nisu skloni poredjenju (osim *extremely very). 
     - koristi se sa pridevima i drugim prilozima (very good, too quickly, nearly there)
            Are you quite sure we’re on the right road.
            That's all right.
            He spoke French too quickly for me.
     - Najčešći su: almostbarely, completely, entirelyhighlyquite slightlytotally, utterly, etc.
      6. Adverbs of affirmation
      - abbreviated sentences in conversations conversations
I hope my parents just for once will say yes to my idea.
You must have heard about the haunted house surely?
Certainly we’ll try to rid this place of the foul odour.
            It would indeed help if I had a bodyguard.
            By all means eat whatever you want.
      - Najčešći su: yes, certainly, surely, absolutely, decidedly, evidently, indeed, entirely, naturally, obviously, precisely, willingly, etc.

      7. Adverbs of quantity, amount, number
Henry woks very little, not nearly as much as George.
William has won the prize twice.

       8. Conjunctive adverbs
      - spaja dve klaze u jednu:
            You must do your homework; otherwise, you might get a bad grade.
I will not be attending the show. Therefore, I have extra tickets for anyone that can use them.
            Amy practiced the piano; meanwhile, her brother practiced the violin.
Marion needed to be home early. Consequently, she left work at 3 p.m.
 - Najčešći su: accordingly, additionally, also, besides, consequently, comparatively, finally, further,  furthermore, hence, however, incidentally, indeed, instead, likewise, meanwhile, namely, nevertheless, next, nonetheless, otherwise, rather, still, similarly, subsequently, then, therefore, thereafter, thus, yet, …

An adverb is a word that’s used to give information about a verb, adjective, or other adverb, prilozi nas informišu o glagolu, pridevu ili drugom prilogu.
– He walked slowly.(glagol)
– These schemes are very clever.(pridev)
– The answer to both questions is really rather simple.(drugi prilog)
- See more at: adverb is a word that’s used to give information about a verb, adjective, or other adverb, prilozi nas informišu o glagolu, pridevu ili drugom prilogu.

– He walked slowly.(glagol)
– These schemes are very clever.(pridev)
– The answer to both questions is really rather simple.(drugi prilog)
- See more at:

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